The Genesis of Polkadot

In 2016 Gavin Wood left Ethereum and founded the Web3 Foundation and Parity Technologies, both of which were tasked with researching and developing the...

Geographic Dispersion of Professional Cryptocurrency Investors

The growth of the cryptocurrency market has been explosive in recent years, as more investors and institutional players have entered the fray. Crypto adoption...

Top 5 Metaverse Projects

In the dynamic world of digital innovation, developers are continually pushing boundaries to create immersive experiences that transform reality as we know it. This...

Institutional Investors and Blockchain Education

Most professional investors can point to a formal education when it comes to their expertise in finance. This formal education, however, does not cover...

Swiss Bitcoin Startup Relai Appoints Former Bitpanda Exec as New CMO

ZURICH - Zurich-based bitcoin investing startup, Relai, today announced that Imo Bábics will join as Chief Marketing Officer to lead the company's European expansion...

DeFi on Bitcoin

Bitcoin's design has unique characteristics that make it impossible to perform certain actions, and this has led developers and users to seek greener pastures...

Comparing Crypto Surveys among Professional Investors

Over the last year we have seen legislation waking up to the promises and dangers of blockchain technology and hope that they can provide...

Entertainment in the Metaverse

The metaverse is reshaping industries including fashion, music, cryptocurrency, and adult entertainment. With augmented reality, virtual fashion, cryptocurrency integration, virtual concerts, and immersive adult...

Optimal Time Horizon for Bitcoin Investors

Exploring the dynamic intersection of traditional investment strategies and the burgeoning world of cryptocurrencies, this article draws inspiration from the seminal Bitwise report to...

Actively Managed Structured Products for Professional Investors

Because of different requirements, professional investors can only make limited use of the same financial infrastructure that is used by private investors. A forerunner...