What is Pure Proof-of-Stake?

Algorand’s democratized variation on PoS, dubbed pure proof-of-stake, is essentially the secret recipe by which the network claims it achieves its holy grail of...

Marketplaces on the Metaverse

The metaverse, a virtual reality space where users can interact in a simulated environment, has its complexities. Centralized versions often restrict economic activities due...

The Statistical Impact of Adding Bitcoin to a Traditional Portfolio

In the dynamic and often unpredictable world of cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin has emerged as a standout performer, demonstrating remarkable resilience and profitability over the years....

The Custody of Crypto Assets

When thinking about investing in crypto assets, investors should not only keep an eye on the actual buying process. The custody of the assets...

What is a DAM (Digital Asset Marketplace)?

The first types of DAMs (Digital Asset Marketplaces) to emerge were centralized cryptocurrency exchanges. Binance, Coinbase, and Kraken are examples of these. They now...

Decentralized Finance on Ethereum

DeFi and Ethereum are almost synonymous and the DeFi directory Defiprime lists 214 Ethereum DeFi projects which indicates a significant growth over the last...

How companies gain exposure to crypto assets

Distributed ledger technology has gained significant attention in recent years, and professional inventors are seeking ways to gain exposure to it. This article focuses...

Venture Capital flows into the Metaverse

Venture capital (VC) funding in the metaverse has seen a significant surge, with over $2 billion invested in related activities in 2022, according to...

Bitcoin-Only Exchanges, Brokers, and OTC-Desks

In the realm of cryptocurrency investment, a distinct preference for Bitcoin-centric companies has emerged among a segment of investors driven by various factors, including...
The Status of Cryptocurrency Adoption

The Status of Cryptocurrency Adoption

The list of addressable target markets for cryptocurrencies is very long, but what is the current adoption level and what growth can we expect...