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Optimal Time Horizon for Bitcoin Investors

Exploring the dynamic intersection of traditional investment strategies and the burgeoning world of cryptocurrencies, this article draws inspiration from the seminal Bitwise report to investigate Bitcoin’s utility within a classic 60-40 investment portfolio. Cointelegraph’s researchers have embarked on a detailed analysis to uncover the ideal duration for holding Bitcoin, ranging from one to three years, focusing on its impact on portfolio returns through the lens of rolling cumulative return and Sharpe ratio metrics. This inquiry, rooted in a scenario where Bitcoin constitutes a 2.5% portfolio allocation with quarterly rebalancing, promises to offer invaluable insights into the strategic incorporation of cryptocurrencies in traditional investment paradigms.

Paying Homage to the original Bitwise report, “Bitcoin’s Role in a Traditional Portfolio,” Cointelegraph researchers studied the historical optimal time horizon for holding Bitcoin by calculating the rolling cumulative return and Sharpe ratio measures for holding durations ranging from one to three years. This was done using a benchmark scenario of a 2.5% Bitcoin allocation and conducting rebalancing quarterly.

Figure 15: One-Year Rolling Cumulative Return: Contribution of a 2.5% Bitcoin Allocation to a Traditional 60-40 Portfolio (Quarterly Rebalanced)

Source: Cointelegraph Research, CryptoResearch.Report

Figure 16: Two-Year Rolling Cumulative Return: Contribution of a 2.5% Bitcoin Allocation to a Traditional 60-40 Portfolio (Quarterly Rebalanced)

Source: Cointelegraph Research, CryptoResearch.Report

As can be seen in Figures 15 through 17, the contribution of 2.5% Bitcoin to a traditional portfolio’s return remains positive throughout most of the sample period. The same holds for the two-year and three-year rolling returns. This can also be seen in Figure 11, where the median contribution over three years stands at 12.88 percentage points. The three-year holding period also features a higher win/ loss ratio compared to other holding periods. Let’s look at the three-year rolling cumulative return. The win rate is 99.94%, meaning that nearly every three-year holding period between Jan. 1, 2014, and Nov. 23, 2023, provided positive returns for investors.

Figure 17: Three-Year Rolling Cumulative Return: Contribution of a 2.5% Bitcoin Allocation to a Traditional 60-40 Portfolio (Quarterly Rebalanced)

Source: Cointelegraph Research, CryptoResearch.Report

This shows that even investors who bought in at the top of the market can still have positive performance as long as they wait at least three years to sell. An alternative to waiting three years to sell is to avoid buying in at the top. This may sound difficult, but it’s easily achievable. Investors can dollar cost or value cost average their investment over time to avoid going all in at one point in time. 

Figure 18: Contribution of a 2.5% Bitcoin Allocation to a Traditional 60-40 Portfolio Summary Statistics

Source: Cointelegraph Research, CryptoResearch.Report

Dollar-cost or value-cost averaging over time is an easy and prudent approach to building a position in Bitcoin. Selling puts on CME or Deribit can also be used to build a position in Bitcoin while simultaneously earning premiums. For investors who want to build a position quickly without staggering their investment over a few months, Bitcoin’s price has often seen significant spikes in the fourth quarter of the year, suggesting a seasonal trend. 

Figure 19: Bitcoin’s Best Quarter Has Been Q4 Historically

The research presents a compelling case for including Bitcoin in traditional portfolios, showcasing its positive influence across various holding periods, especially over three years. This period notably offers significant returns, emphasizing the advantage of strategic patience and investment timing. It also highlights practical methods like dollar-cost averaging and strategic put selling as effective risk management and investment strategies. In essence, the study provides actionable insights for those looking to meld the realms of cryptocurrency with traditional investment approaches.

Correlation of Bitcoin with Traditional Assets

Amid the whirlwind of market fluctuations, Bitcoin stands out as an enigmatic player, challenging the conventional wisdom that guides investment strategies. Despite its well-documented volatility, Bitcoin surprisingly does not mimic the movement patterns seen in traditional asset classes like stocks and bonds. This divergence is primarily attributed to its low correlation with these assets, a phenomenon that has intrigued investors and analysts alike.

Leveraging detailed analysis, this article aims to unravel the mystery behind Bitcoin’s unique behavior in the financial ecosystem. By examining the rolling 90-day correlation of Bitcoin with traditional assets, we uncover insights into how and why Bitcoin’s market movements offer a distinct narrative from that of conventional investment options.

The limited increase in standard variation and maximum drawdown might be surprising since Bitcoin itself jumps around a lot in value. But Bitcoin doesn’t usually move up and down in the same way as stocks or bonds do due to the low correlation. The figures in this article show the low correlation between Bitcoin and traditional asset classes. 

Rolling 90-day Correlation of Bitcoin with Traditional Assets

Source: Cointelegraph Research, CryptoResearch.Report

“Classifying Bitcoin has always been a conundrum. Bitcoin’s correlations with traditional assets have perplexed investors with their variability. From inception to 2020, Bitcoin was largely uncorrelated from any asset class, lending the asset a meaningful role as a portfolio diversifier. After the liquidity injections and inflationary impulse in 2020-22, Bitcoin behaved like a risk asset. And more recently, its correlations with risk-on assets have broken down as it has behaved more like gold. So, determining Bitcoin’s nature alongside other asset classes has been fiendishly difficult. Bitcoin’s purest correlation of late has been to changes in the broad money supply, making it a gauge of liquidity of sorts.

As the U.S. nears a reckoning on the debt, and foreign buyers of Treasuries appear ever more scarce, alongside high and growing deficits, a monetization of the debt and a reliquification from central banks seems more likely. Amid these circumstances, Bitcoin would be a clear beneficiary. The likely potential for a spot ETF in the U.S. in Q1 2024 is another potent catalyst, alongside the highly touted quadrannual halving event. While many institutions have been disillusioned by crypto markets amid the credit crunch of 2022 and the subsequent drawdown, much of the largesse has been purged from the markets and the industry is quietly rebuilding. While Bitcoin is in the doldrums today, it endures as a global monetary asset of consequence, and brighter catalysts lie ahead.” – Megan Nyvold, Head of Brand, BingX

Bitcoin has had an unprecedentedly low correlation with traditional asset classes enabling investors to increase their portfolio risk-return ratio. Over the last ten years, Bitcoin’s correlation has stayed low to moderate with traditional asset classes.

Bitcoin Correlation Matrix

Source: Cointelegraph Research, CryptoResearch.Report

The exploration of Bitcoin’s relationship with traditional asset classes reveals a complex and nuanced picture that challenges preconceived notions about market correlations. The data presented in this article, supported by expert commentary from Megan Nyvold of BingX, highlights Bitcoin’s atypical response to market trends and global economic shifts. This peculiar behavior, characterized by low to moderate correlation with traditional assets, positions Bitcoin as a potentially valuable component for diversifying investment portfolios. However, the evolving nature of Bitcoin’s correlations, influenced by factors such as legislative developments, global monetary policies, and internal crypto market dynamics, points to an unpredictable future.

These findings underscore the importance of a nuanced understanding of Bitcoin’s role in the financial landscape, especially considering upcoming catalysts like the potential approval of a U.S. spot ETF and the anticipated Bitcoin halving event. As the crypto industry moves beyond recent setbacks and continues to mature, Bitcoin’s journey remains a compelling case study for investors seeking to navigate the intricacies of modern financial markets with agility and informed insight.

Mitigating Risk and Enhancing Returns with Bitcoin

In the rapidly evolving world of investment, diversification has always been a key strategy for mitigating risk and enhancing returns. With the advent of digital currencies, particularly Bitcoin, investors have found a new asset class to consider adding to their portfolios. This article delves into the impact of incorporating Bitcoin into a traditional 60/40 stock and bond portfolio.

By examining various metrics through detailed figures, we explore how different levels of Bitcoin allocation can affect the overall performance, risk, and return ratio of an investment portfolio. From marginal additions to significant inclusions, we unravel the nuanced relationship between risk and return in the context of Bitcoin investments.

The first line on the left is what happens when you don’t add any Bitcoin to your investment, and the lines that follow show what happens when you gradually add more, up to 10%. These lines aren’t about time moving forward; they’re just about how much Bitcoin you add. What stands out immediately is that the more Bitcoin you added historically, the higher your return was. 

Figure 1: Three-Year Rolling Cumulative Return by Bitcoin Allocation (Quarterly Rebalanced)

Source: Cointelegraph Research, CryptoResearch.Report

While adding Bitcoin to a global 60/40 stock and bond portfolio increased the cumulative return, there’s a catch: it can also make things more unpredictable or risky. Figure 2 shows what happens to the volatility when Bitcoin is added. Although the risk increases, it doesn’t just go up in a straight line. Instead, there is a curvature in the line. This means that if you only add a little bit of Bitcoin, like between 0.5% and 2%, it doesn’t make your investment much riskier. But as you add more Bitcoin beyond that, things can get unpredictable pretty quickly.

Figure 2: Three-Year Rolling Standard Deviation by Bitcoin Allocation (Quarterly Rebalanced)

Source: Cointelegraph Research, CryptoResearch.Report

In Figure 3, we mix the info from Figure 1 to look at the portfolio Sharpe ratios. The shape of this graph is pretty interesting: it goes up quickly at first and then levels off as you put more Bitcoin into your investment. This chart says that when you add some Bitcoin to your investment, it usually means you’re getting more return for the risk you’re taking. But there is no such thing as a free lunch: once you start adding more and more Bitcoin, especially after about 5% of your total investment, this extra benefit doesn’t increase as much as the risk does. So, adding a bit of Bitcoin can be helpful, but after a certain point, adding more comes at the cost of significantly higher risk. Based on historical returns and mean-variance optimization, the optimal amount of Bitcoin to add to the portfolio ranged from 3% to 5%.

Figure 3: Three-Year Rolling Sharpe Ratio by Bitcoin Allocation (Quarterly Rebalanced)

Source: Cointelegraph Research, CryptoResearch.Report

Figure 4 shows how different amounts of Bitcoin affect the biggest drop, or ’maximum drawdown,’ in an investment’s value. Similar to the Sharpe Ratio chart, the green line on the graph indicates that, on average, adding a little bit of Bitcoin, like between 0.5% and 4.5% of a 60/40 stock and bond portfolio, doesn’t change the maximum loss much over three years. Allocation over 5%, the effect on the biggest drop starts to grow a lot. For institutional investors with a low-risk appetite, sticking to a Bitcoin amount of 5% or less of the total investment may be the best from a risk-adjusted and maximum drawdown perspective. 

Figure 4: Three-Year Rolling Maximum Drawdown by Bitcoin Allocation (Quarterly Rebalanced)

Source: Cointelegraph Research, CryptoResearch.Report

In conclusion, the exploration of Bitcoin as a component of a diversified investment portfolio reveals a delicate balance between risk and return. The data presented through various figures underscores the potential for enhanced cumulative returns with the strategic addition of Bitcoin, albeit with an accompanying increase in volatility. The sweet spot, according to historical data and mean-variance optimization, appears to be within the 3% to 5% range of total investment allocation.

Beyond this threshold, the risk-return trade-off becomes less favorable, highlighting the importance of cautious and informed decision-making when integrating Bitcoin into investment strategies. For investors seeking to navigate the complexities of adding digital assets to their portfolios, these insights offer valuable guidance on achieving a risk-adjusted approach that aligns with their financial goals and risk tolerance.

The Optimal Allocation into Bitcoin for an Institutional Portfolio

In an era marked by rapid technological advancements and shifting economic landscapes, the traditional investment portfolio has seen its fair share of transformations. Among these, the integration of digital assets, particularly Bitcoin, into conventional portfolios has sparked considerable interest and debate within the investment community. This article delves into the empirical evidence provided by Cointelegraph Research and CryptoResearch.Report, examining the impact of adding Bitcoin to a traditional 60-40 stock and bond portfolio. Through a comprehensive analysis spanning from 2014 to 2023, the study sheds light on the potential benefits and risks associated with diversifying into Bitcoin, offering valuable insights for both seasoned investors and newcomers to the crypto space.

As the figure shows, a traditional 60-40 portfolio with quarterly rebalancing and no exposure to Bitcoin would have yielded a cumulative return of 71% between 2014 and the end of 2023. This would have increased to up to 157% had the portfolio allocated 5% to Bitcoin. Meaning Bitcoin gave over double the total return achieved by the traditional portfolio.

How Adding Bitcoin to a Traditional Portfolio Would Have Impacted Returns

Source: Cointelegraph Research, CryptoResearch.Report

However, not all investors had the foresight or ability to invest in January 2014; therefore, the Cointelegraph Research team constructed a backtest that does not rely on arbitrary start and end dates. Instead, a rolling analysis was done on over 6,000 unique portfolios with one-, two-, and three-year holding periods. The rolling analysis also shows a doubling in the total return. A 5% allocation to Bitcoin in a 60/40 global stock and bond portfolio returned 46.26% on average compared to 22.26% for traditional portfolios without Bitcoin. 

The next figure shows that these phenomenal returns did not come at the cost of significantly higher risk or higher drawdowns due to Bitcoin’s low correlation with traditional assets. Traditional stock and bond portfolios held for 1 to 3-year time horizons between 2014 and 2023 had an average Sharp Ratio of 0.63 and an average drawdown of 16.74%. Adding a 5% allocation to Bitcoin with quarterly rebalancing increased the Sharpe Ratio to 1.15 and the maximum drawdown to 18.30%, meaning that the portfolio’s risk-adjusted return increased by 82.5%.

Portfolio Performance Metrics

Source: Cointelegraph Research, CryptoResearch.Report

In November 2023, Coinbase conducted a research survey in collaboration with Institutional Investor to gain a comprehensive understanding of the attitudes and future perspectives of institutional investors regarding digital assets. Using an online questionnaire, the study asked questions to 250 institutional investors from the U.S. including hedge funds, asset managers, and allocators with $1B+ in AUM and $50M+ in some cases.

The survey revealed that 64% of existing investors anticipate boosting their investments in digital assets over the next three years. Additionally, 45% of the surveyed institutional investors who currently do not have crypto investments are planning to allocate resources to them in the coming three years. In terms of market outlook, 57% of the institutional investors surveyed are optimistic about cryptocurrency prices increasing in the next 12 months, a significant increase from just 8% who held this belief in October 2022. Moreover, the respondents expressed a belief in the potential of blockchain technology to supplant traditional payment and trade settlement systems in the future.

The exploration into the effects of incorporating Bitcoin into traditional investment portfolios reveals a compelling narrative of enhanced returns without proportionately escalating risk. The data, meticulously gathered and analyzed over various periods and through different portfolio configurations, underscores the substantial upside that a modest allocation to Bitcoin can contribute to overall portfolio performance. Furthermore, the positive sentiment among institutional investors, as highlighted by the Coinbase and Institutional Investor survey, signals a growing acceptance and optimism towards digital assets. As the financial landscape continues to evolve, the findings presented in this article serve as a critical reference point for investors contemplating the integration of cryptocurrencies into their investment strategies, highlighting the delicate balance between innovation and prudence in the pursuit of superior returns.

The Statistical Impact of Adding Bitcoin to a Traditional Portfolio

In the dynamic and often unpredictable world of cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin has emerged as a standout performer, demonstrating remarkable resilience and profitability over the years. Despite facing significant price fluctuations and criticisms, Bitcoin has managed to maintain an upward trajectory, proving itself as a viable asset for investment portfolios. With an annualized return of 50% since 2014 and a total return of 5,751.74%, Bitcoin has not only recovered from its lows but also significantly outperformed traditional investment options. This article explores the various benefits of incorporating Bitcoin into a traditional investment portfolio, drawing on recent research and data analysis to provide insights into optimal allocation strategies and the potential impact on portfolio performance.

In 2023, Bitcoin experienced a phase of recovery. Bitcoin often receives media coverage relating to its price volatility. The value of Bitcoin has indeed fluctuated dramatically since its inception in 2009. Occasional collapses have attracted the allegation that Bitcoin is a Ponzi scheme. On aggregate, however, there has been a solid upward trend, and the asset has recovered from price drawbacks. Bitcoin’s annualized return has been 50% per year since 2014, and a total return of 5,751.74%, as reported by Bloomberg. Using data going back to 2010, Bitcoin’s annual return rate stands at an impressive 230%, dwarfing the Nasdaq 100 Index, the second-best performer, by tenfold. Comparatively, large U.S. stocks yielded a 14% annual return, high-yield bonds grew by 5.4%, and gold saw returns of 1.5% in the same period.

Bitcoin Annualized Return Has Been 50% Since 2014

Source: Bloomberg Terminal

Including Bitcoin in a traditional investment portfolio can enhance performance in various ways. Here are the main benefits covered in the subsequent sections:

  1. Improved Performance: Research suggests that small allocations of Bitcoin can have a positive impact on risk-adjusted returns when compared to other assets.​1
  1. Diversification: Bitcoin is recognized for its low correlation with traditional markets, which can provide superior risk-adjusted returns.2
  1. Hedge Against Inflation: Investors might be interested in adding Bitcoin to their portfolios for purposes such as hedging against inflation​3​ and global financial uncertainty due to its properties as a scarce, secure, and price-inelastic digital commodity. It also has portability features that allow it to function similarly to money.​4

Each of these points suggests different ways in which including Bitcoin in a traditional investment portfolio can influence its performance. The overall impact on an individual’s portfolio could vary depending on multiple factors, including the proportion of Bitcoin, the rest of the portfolio’s composition, and the broader economic and market conditions. It’s advisable for investors to carefully consider their own risk tolerance and investment goals and perhaps consult with financial advisers before making the decision to include Bitcoin in their portfolio.

Bitcoin Price 2010 – 2023

Source: Glassnode

To understand the statistical impact of adding Bitcoin to a traditional portfolio, Cointelegraph’s research department replicated the 2020 Bitwise study, “The Case for Crypto in an Institutional Portfolio,” which was later updated in the 2023 Bitwise report, “Bitcoin’s Role in a Traditional Portfolio.”

Using the most recent data, Cointelegraph’s researchers answer three key questions that investors ask when allocating a portion of their portfolio to Bitcoin:

  1. How much Bitcoin should be added to a portfolio?
  2. How long should the position be held before selling?
  3. How often should the portfolio be rebalanced?

In the analysis we look at the three-year rolling cumulative return for the period between Jan. 1, 2014, and Nov. 13, 2023. We consider rolling analyses advantageous as they address worries about selective time period choices and offer a more comprehensive understanding of how frequently and significantly a Bitcoin allocation affects a portfolio across various market conditions. In rolling analyses, rather than selecting random start and end dates, we establish a specific duration for the holding period (one year, two years, or three years) and examine every possible holding period of that length within our data. The sample portfolios allocate up to 60% to the Vanguard Total World Stock ETF (VT), up to 40% to the Vanguard Total Bond Market ETF (BND), and a range of 0 to 10% in Bitcoin. The analysis used the 3-month treasury rate of 5.45% as the risk-free rate.

The inclusion of Bitcoin in a traditional investment portfolio offers a unique opportunity to enhance overall performance, diversify investment holdings, and hedge against inflation and economic uncertainty. The compelling data and research findings presented throughout this article underscore Bitcoin’s potential as a strategic asset capable of contributing positively to risk-adjusted returns. While the decision to allocate a portion of one’s portfolio to Bitcoin should be made with careful consideration of individual risk tolerance and investment goals, the evidence suggests that even modest allocations can yield significant benefits. As the financial landscape continues to evolve, Bitcoin’s role in investment portfolios is likely to grow in importance, providing investors with new avenues for achieving their financial objectives.

1Butterfill, James. “Bitcoin’s role in an investment portfolio.” CoinShares, 9 September 2020, https://coinshares.com/research/Bitcoins-role-in-an-investment-portfolio.

2“Should Bitcoin Be A Part Of Your Portfolio? Backtest, Allocations, And Simulations – Trading Strategies – Quantified Strategies.” Quantified Strategies, 2 October 2023, https://www.quantifiedstrategies.com/should-Bitcoin-be-part-of-your-portfolio/.

3“How Bitcoin may impact your portfolio.” Fidelity Investments, 23 January 2023, https://www.fidelity.com/learning-center/trading-investing/Bitcoin-investment-considerations.

4“Bitcoin in a Portfolio: The Impact and Opportunity.” Galaxy Digital, 2 October 2023, https://www.galaxy.com/insights/research/Bitcoin-in-a-portfolio-impact-and-opportunity/.

Is Bitcoin an Asymmetrical Risk Asset?

The digital age has introduced Bitcoin as a standout investment opportunity, combining unique growth potential with significant risks. This analysis explores network growth principles, specifically through Metcalfe’s Law and Sarnoff’s Law, and their relevance to Bitcoin. It also highlights Greg Foss’s insights on Bitcoin as an asymmetric investment opportunity, emphasizing its scarcity and potential as an economic downturn hedge.

In the study of the growth of networks, many scientific theories have emerged. Two that relate to the growth of networks like Bitcoin are Metcalfe’s Law and Sarnoff’s Law. Both theories state that the value of a network is proportional to the number of users on a network. Sarnoff’s law states that there is a direct linear relationship between the number of users (nodes communicating with the entire network). While Metcalfe states there are other factors (externalities) to take into account, and therefore, one has to take the number of users and square it to get exponential growth. In either case, the underlying point is that the growth of a network provides some signal to the potential growth in value, be it directly linked or exponential. 

Greg Foss, executive director of strategic initiatives at Validus Power Corp, who has spent over 30 years in high-yield credit trading and analysis, often says that a Bitcoin investment is the most “asymmetric opportunity” of all time. In an interview from the spring of 2023, he said:

“[Bitcoin] is the best asymmetric upside opportunity I have ever seen in my career of managing risk. We know that fiat debasement is 100% certain. How do you protect yourself against that? Well, we could run through the different asset classes that do, but one of the things that really doesn’t protect you against that is bonds. It’s just about everybody in the world… all pension plans, all high-net-worth individuals, all family offices, everybody owns bonds. Well, that is a fiat contract. It is a contract that will debase alongside the fiat because it’s a fiat contract. So my biggest goal having spent my entire life in bonds is to try and convert some of that money into Bitcoin to hedge the downside you’re going to have on your bonds with the upside that you have on Bitcoin.” 

What asymmetry means is that the asset, Bitcoin, is the hardest asset in terms of scarcity. Gold’s total supply on the earth is unknown, and increased prices could justify greater mining, increasing the amount above ground. Even land can be expanded if the demand is high enough. This cannot happen to Bitcoin. No amount of money, desire, or price increase can create more than 21 million. This means that all the demand has to go into the current asset supply, which has a deflationary admittance schedule. At the time of this writing, the next Bitcoin halving event will occur around April 2024 at block height 840,000, and 96.9% of all the existing BTC will have been mined. With 3.1% left over the next 117 years (the halving cycle greatly diminishes in 2140), owning some of the hardest assets at attainable fiat prices makes sense. 

The asymmetrical opportunity is conversely asymmetrical risk. This newfound paradigm shift into the alternative asset of Bitcoin as it grows, according to Metcalfe’s law or Sarnoff’s law, would mean that having no position in the asset is a risk that outweighs that of holding a position. If a firm allocates 0.5% of its liquid holdings into BTC, and the price goes to zero, it can survive. However, if that 0.5% of its liquid holdings grow to 40% due to the CAGR of BTC, and a firm does not get involved, it risks being substantially behind competitors and other firms in the market. A firm investing in Bitcoin can gain a fiat financial increase on its balance sheet if market conditions stay status quo in the next decade or so. However, if those conditions worsen into recessions or depressions, Bitcoin investment may mean the difference between having tradable, valuable assets and having diminished staying power with traditional financial instruments.

However, there are many challenges for investors considering Bitcoin that we touch on in the following chapters, including:

  • Volatility of Bitcoin compared to traditional assets.
  • Need for specialized infrastructure and custody solutions.
  • Regulatory uncertainties.
  • Limited historical data compared to traditional assets.

Bitcoin’s comparison with traditional network growth theories reveals its distinctive potential and challenges. Its scarcity and deflationary nature set it apart, offering an asymmetric opportunity for investors, as noted by Greg Foss. However, navigating Bitcoin’s volatility requires a careful balance between recognizing its growth potential and managing investment risks. As the financial landscape evolves, Bitcoin’s role as a digital asset offers a complex but promising avenue for strategic investment.

Bitcoin and the Lindy Effect

In the evolving realm of global finance, Bitcoin, a pioneering digital currency, has emerged as a popular alternative asset class. As per the 2022 CFA Institute Investor Trust Study, numerous financial entities including endowments, sovereigns, pension funds, and institutional investors, are gradually diversifying their portfolios to include cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. This article delves into this shift in investment strategies, referencing a survey by Coalition Greenwich that reveals two-thirds of institutional investors’ exposure to cryptocurrencies. Furthermore, we explore the Lindy Effect, a concept that helps understand the perceived value and future stability of an asset class based on its longevity, and how it applies to Bitcoin.

One of the most researched alternative assets is Bitcoin, a pioneer in the world of digital currencies. According to the 2022 CFA Institute Investor Trust Study, endowments, sovereigns, pension funds, and institutionals are already allocating a portion of their investments to cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, showcasing a gradual yet significant shift in asset allocation strategies.

For the study, Coalition Greenwich surveyed 3,588 retail investors and 976 institutional investors in October and November 2021 from 15 markets across the globe. The survey revealed an astonishing two-thirds of institutional investors have exposure to cryptocurrencies. 

“Bitcoin is a compelling asset for institutions seeking diversification and inflation protection, and I expect adoption to accelerate in 2024.” Paul Tudor Jones, Founder of Tudor Investment Corporation (October 2023)

Percentage of Organizations Currently Investing in Cryptocurrencies

The Lindy Effect

It is conventional wisdom that humans look to staying power to judge if something is reliable in the future. If the ground shifts, builders would be weary to build a house upon it instead of looking for solid footing before the start of construction. In the same way, people look to the longevity of an asset class to judge its potential future stability as well. This has led the modern risk manager to look at things like an S&P 500 Index or government-backed bonds as a means of investing today’s capital for “safe” future returns.

The Lindy Effect puts into layman’s terms what economists describe by way of the Regression Theorem. In short, individuals look to the collective subjective value of something in the recent past and project that value to the current and short-term future times. However, this is often a recency bias which can lead people to invest in what has worked before believing it will always work in the future. 

The Lindy Effect is often the barometer for commodities like gold and silver, as they have had thousands of years of documented history as a medium of exchange, stores of value, and industrial use. In the same breadth, Bitcoin has only been around since the Genesis Block was launched on January 3rd, 2009. To many, this remains an unproven medium of exchange or store of value as the asset itself lacks longevity in comparison to other asset classes.

To some, Bitcoin is a fad that will burn out like the pet rock. To others, there is an asymmetrical risk involved with flagrantly brushing aside Bitcoin instead of taking an educated look at the potential evolution of money. 

The pivot into Bitcoin has yielded phenomenal returns in contrast to other salient investments, such as Nvidia and Tesla, as shown in the next figure. 

Bitcoin’s Return on Investment Since 2016

The perception of Bitcoin as an asset class is varied, with some considering it a short-lived trend while others view it as a significant evolution in the financial system. The Lindy Effect, used as a measure for the reliability of commodities like gold and silver, presents a challenge for Bitcoin due to its relatively short existence since its inception in 2009. However, the increasing interest and investment in Bitcoin by institutional investors indicate a potential shift in this perspective. As we move forward, it will be interesting to observe whether the financial world embraces Bitcoin as a reliable medium of exchange and store of value, or if it succumbs to the test of time.

Impact of Adding Bitcoin to a Global Stock and Bond Portfolio

In an ever-evolving financial landscape, the traditional approach to investment portfolios, often composed of a 60/40 split between equities and bonds, is facing new challenges. With diminishing returns, increasing inflation, and reduced diversification benefits, institutional investors are exploring alternative asset classes to bolster their portfolio performance. This article delves into the growing interest in alternative investments, their potential benefits, and the risks they may pose.

The 60/40 portfolio, traditionally composed of equities and bonds, has served investors reliably for decades, as shown in Figure. However, the conventional portfolio of stocks and bonds is no longer as efficient as it once was. Diminishing diversification benefits, reduced actual returns, and increasing inflation pose significant hurdles for family offices, endowments, and pension funds. With the evolving financial landscape, there’s increasing interest in diversifying this blend to include new asset classes commonly referred to as alternatives.

Institutional investors have significantly allocated resources to alternative investments for many years to enhance their returns. A 2023 survey by Fidelity Investments revealed that pension funds allocate 22% to such alternatives, whereas endowments and foundations dedicate 32% of their portfolio to them.1

Figure 1: 60/40 Performance Over Long Periods with Traditional Assets

Source: New York University. 60% S&P 500 Index, 40% 10-year U.S. Treasury Bonds. Simplify The Case for Alternatives Case Study. The results are hypothetical (data ended 12/31/22), do not indicate future results, and do not represent returns that any investor attained. Hypothetical strategies and indices presented are unmanaged and do not reflect management or trading fees. One cannot invest directly in an index

The prestigious Yale University Endowment, a bellwether in the institutional portfolio landscape, has increased its exposure to alternative assets. In the last three decades, their allocation to alternative investments has surged from below 20% to above 77%, as illustrated in Figure 2. This strategic shift has proven beneficial for Yale; over the two decades concluding in June 2022, their portfolio garnered an average yearly return of 11.3%, compared to the 60/40 portfolio’s 7.2%.

Source: Yale Investments Office, 2023, Simplify The Case for Alternatives Case Study.


An alternative investment is an investment in assets different from traditional investment forms such as stocks, bonds, and cash. Typically, alternative investments include hedge funds, private equity, real estate, commodities, and tangible assets like art and antiques. They can also encompass newer asset categories like cryptocurrencies. Alternative investments are known for their potential to provide diversification benefits to a portfolio because their returns often have a low correlation to traditional asset classes. However, they may also come with higher fees, less liquidity, and a higher investment threshold compared to traditional investments.

The world of investment is undergoing significant transformation as traditional asset classes like stocks and bonds no longer offer the same level of efficiency and returns. As a result, institutional investors are turning to alternative investments such as hedge funds, private equity, real estate, commodities, and even cryptocurrencies to diversify their portfolios and enhance their overall returns. While these alternative assets come with their own set of risks and challenges, including higher fees and less liquidity, their potential for diversification and higher returns cannot be overlooked. As we navigate this changing financial landscape, it’s clear that alternative investments are playing an increasingly crucial role in institutional investment strategies.

Growth in the Metaverse Market

Projected to become a multi-trillion dollar industry, the metaverse is seeing key trends such as increased corporate adoption, decentralization through blockchain technology, and skyrocketing investments. However, history shows that smaller, agile projects can surpass larger systems, reminding us of the unpredictability of technological advancements. As marketing opportunities arise within this space, the importance of real-world testing for successful blockchain application becomes evident. Furthermore, the metaverse offers unique asset qualities, like sovereign ownership and freedom from interference, pointing to a future of digital ownership and control.

The metaverse is expected to experience a rapid growth in both market size and user adoption the next seven years.

As we have seen in this report, McKinsey and Citibank are both estimating the Metaverse industry to be a multi-trillion dollar industry. According to an optimistic scenario by statista, by 2030, the total addressable market value of metaverse could surpass $4.44 trillion, while in terms of users, it could onboard 700 million people worldwide by the end of the decade, which would be equivalent to 8.23% of the expected global population.

Some of the key trends of the metaverse for this decade will be:

  • Increasing Adoption of the Metaverse in the Corporate World: The growth of the metaverse in its initial phase has largely been fueled by the consumer sector. However, as the technology becomes more sophisticated, it could open up various use cases for companies ranging from product virtual simulations to employee experience.
  • Continued Decentralization: Blockchain technology has enabled the true ownership of assets in the metaverse, and with time, more and more users are realizing its advantages over the centralized legacy model. Moreover, it also makes assets more liquid through various marketplaces. In the coming years, blockchain technology is expected to become the default platform for most metaverse projects to hold and transact assets.
  • Increased Investments: Given the metaverse still needs a huge leap in technology, various entities are funding it, looking to capitalize on the potential of the metaverse. As stated earlier in the report In the first five months of 2022, VC, corporations and Private equity funds invested over $120 billion60 in the metaverse, which is more than double the amount ($57 billion) invested in the entire year of 2021. This number is expected to increase exponentially over the next few years.
  • Marketing in the Metaverse: As the number of active users in the metaverse grows, a new channel for marketing could open up for corporations where they would rent popular places in the metaverse and use it to advertise their products. It would also open up a revenue channel for metaverse owners and content creators.

Often times throughout technological advances, disruptions to industries, and historical paradigm shifts, the outcome is unseen by anyone. If you asked someone during the 1990s who would be the biggest internet provider in North America in 2020s, they would likely say AOL, or if you asked someone in the late 1800s who would be the biggest oil company in the late 1900s, they would say Standard Oil. It has historically been the case that smaller, agile projects can adapt to market forces and speed ahead of the slow, complicated systems which may lead the pack today.

Often in the blockchain and crypto industry, there is a lot of talk about mass adoption and potential use cases for a particular piece of technology. While theory is necessary and very tempting, it is the application and real-world testing that is necessary to figure out what simply works and does not work. Drawing up a good idea on paper that cannot possibly be implemented in reality happens more often than not. And while there will be an extremely high amount of failures, the blockchain industry needs to go through these phases. It not only reveals best practices, and what is viable and nonviable, but also conditions the public for what to expect.

This technology provides a mix of asset qualities which people have not had access to before in history. The most novel, is the right to sovereign ownership over the asset, and to freely do with that asset whatever the individual wants without interference from an outside third party.

Obstacles to Metaverse Adoption

As the digital revolution continues to evolve, the concept of the metaverse has emerged as a fascinating prospect that could reshape our understanding of reality and interaction. This immersive virtual universe promises endless possibilities, from socializing and entertainment to business and education. Yet, despite its potential, the journey towards a fully realized metaverse is fraught with challenges that extend beyond just technical hurdles.

The early promise of the metaverse has already managed to captivate the imagination of various stakeholders, including technologists, investors, and futurists. However, there are several obstacles in its way to becoming a widespread reality.

Technology: One of the biggest obstacles to the adoption of the metaverse is the current limitations of technology. As discussed in the earlier sections, the technology for all the different layers of metaverse is still in its early stages. Without a fully developed technology stack for metaverse, it is impossible to unlock it’s full potential. According to the meta, it could take at least 15 years59 to develop the technology to make the metaverse as immersive as the real world.

Lack of standardization: The metaverse will require a set of standards to ensure interoperability and seamless communication between different virtual environments. However, there are currently no widely accepted standards, and different companies are developing their own proprietary systems, which could limit interoperability. This could serve as a major hindrance in achieving future growth.

Regulation: The metaverse will likely require some form of regulation to ensure that it is safe and fair for all users. Some metaverse platforms have been already accused of criminal activities; however, the regulation of virtual worlds is a complex and largely untested area, and it remains to be seen how governments and regulatory bodies will approach this issue.

Privacy and security: As with any online platform, privacy and security are major concerns. The metaverse will require robust security measures to prevent hacking and protect user data. There is also a risk of identity theft and fraud in a virtual world, which will need to be addressed.

Social acceptance: There is a growing apprehension among some people that the metaverse could have negative consequences for human life. One of the primary concerns is that the metaverse will reduce the amount of time people spend engaging in real-world activities, leading to a loss of touch with reality and a degradation of the essential human experience designed by nature. In addition, there are ethical questions about what content and activities should be allowed within the metaverse and where the line should be drawn between what is acceptable and what is not. As the metaverse becomes more prominent, it is likely that it will face significant backlash from individuals and groups who are skeptical or critical of its impact on society.

In conclusion, while the metaverse holds immense promise, its path to becoming a mainstream reality is not without significant obstacles. From technological limitations to lack of standardization, regulatory concerns, privacy and security issues, and social acceptance, the challenges are manifold. However, these are not insurmountable and with the right approach, solutions can be found. As we move forward, it’s crucial that we navigate these challenges thoughtfully to ensure the metaverse evolves into a space that is safe, inclusive, and beneficial for all.
